Most view him as one of America's most prolific and beloved inventors — credited with such life-enhancing devices as the film projector, the phonograph, and of course, the electric light bulb.
But here's something the history books will never tell you...
Thomas Edison was also a cut-throat capitalist who purposely designed the light bulb o waste energy.
Why would he do such a thing?
Because good ol' Tom knew that the real money wasn't in the light bulbs — but in the energy that powered them.
And it wasn't until the light bulb was completely developed that Edison's true plan was revealed.
Just seven years after he displayed his first incandescent light bulb, he built more than 132,000 power plants — the result of his ambitious filing of over 1,000 patents.
Edison knew that the light bulb business would be robust. But he also knew that if he provided the power for these light bulbs, he could wet his beak on both ends. And that’s why he designed the light bulb to be inefficient...
It was actually quite an ingenious master plan; one that made Edison an extremely wealthy man.
The light bulb that Edison invented — basically the same one we use today — loses up to 98% of the energy that actually goes into powering it.
In other words, only 2% of the power that gets to the light bulb is actually used to create light. The rest is simply wasted.
But a lot has changed since the early days of Edison...
And thanks to today's high energy prices and growing energy demand, Edison's 130-year lucrative reign has come to an end.
How the death of Edison's light bulb could pay you 18 times your money by the end of the year!
It all went down on December 19, 2007...
In an effort to conserve energy, the U.S. government approved a new mandate that would outlaw the sale of the common, energy-wasting incandescent light bulb starting in 2012.
On that day — with a single pen stroke — Thomas Edison's incandescent light bulb was put out to pasture...
And now, as the entire country searches for a replacement, one company has stepped up with a solution that'll solve the efficiency problem — all the while netting investors like you a boatload of cash in the process.
In the next few minutes, I'm going to prove it to you.
I'm going to show you with real numbers — because the numbers don't lie — how this small company is about to become one of the biggest and most profitable players in the lighting industry.
I'll also tell you about this company's strategic deal with Wal-Mart (that's right, the world's largest retailer), and their government contract that's literally guaranteed to help them dominate a very lucrative piece of a market that'll be worth an estimated $14.5 billion by 2015...
And most important, I'm going to show you why their run to dominance will be well under way as early as October 31, 2010...
But first, let me introduce you to the technology that's destined to illuminate the 21st century.
The universal light source: LEDs
Hands down, the LED (Light-Emitting Diode) is the most efficient method of producing light commercially available today.
So efficient, in fact, that they produce almost no background heat and last up to eight years in continuous operation — outliving the common incandescent bulbs by an eye-popping 4,600%.
Yet the benefits of LEDs have remained largely a mystery to average consumers.
But thanks to a breakthrough from the company I'm going to tell you about now, these little electronic components are about to enter into "full-on global boom" mode.
You see, today's LEDs are typically manufactured according to the strict parameters set by the manufacturer; it's kind of a one-size-fits-all approach.
But when it comes to lighting, one size does not fit all...
You can look around your house and see the variables for yourself: different sizes, different wattages, different needs.
You wouldn't light your kitchen with an outdoor floodlight, would you?
While LEDs are truly the future of lighting, most buildings today were not designed with LEDs in mind. And it's not like you can just install random LED lights in conventional overhead lighting fixtures or display cases...
But thanks to the flexibility of this company's LED technology, these lights can go anywhere, at any time, in any climate. And the best part is that these retrofits end up costing their customers only a fraction of what it would cost to start from scratch with the more common LEDs on the market today.
This is why they have one of the most impressive customer lists in the industry.
Take a look at just a small sampling of their client base...
Whole Foods Markets | The Bellagio in Las Vegas | ||
Publix | W Hotels | ||
Albertsons | Atlantis Hotel | ||
Bath & Body Works | Marriott | ||
Dillards | Disney Theme Parks | ||
McDonalds | Clinton Presidential Library | ||
Starbucks | The National Archives |
This company's LEDs are now replacing fluorescents in grocery stores, museums, department stores, and offices all across the country.
They even have a deal with Wal-Mart to install their specialized LED technology in both Wal-Mart and Sam's Club. And this firm still trades for less than $1.25.
But here's the best part...
What they make from their Wal-Mart and other retail and museum contracts amounts to absolute peanuts compared to the money they're going to make from...
The Largest Lighting Retrofit Project in U.S. History
Do you know who the largest consumer of energy is in the world?
Is it Wal-Mart? Is it General Electric? Is it Google?
Not even close.
The largest consumer of energy in the entire world is the U.S. military — costing taxpayers more than $20 billion a year. And with every $10 increase in the price of oil, the Defense Department incurs more than $1.3 billion in additional energy costs.
So it's no surprise that with these energy costs only getting higher and higher, the Pentagon and the Secretary of Defense are now forcing the military to drastically cut energy consumption...
And this is how you're going to get rich...
You see, the U.S. Navy spends an absolute fortune in lighting costs due to its reliance on conventional light bulbs. We're talking in excess of $1 billion every single year.
But that's all going to change, thanks to a new program developed by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) — the same organization that gave us the Internet!
It's called the High Efficiency Distributed Lighting program (HEDLight). Its goal is to completely alter the design for lighting systems on U.S. military platforms so that they are stronger, longer-lasting, more easily maintained and more energy-efficient.
HEDLight expects Navy ships to save 87% of the electricity used on existing lighting systems.
This is huge!
And guess which company's already in bed with DARPA on this project?
That's right — the same company that's lighting Wal-Mart stores and Albertsons supermarkets has the market cornered on a potential...
$416 million in lighting retrofit contracts from the U.S. Navy
The company's first installation — on an Arleigh Burke class destroyer — will save an estimated 87% of the Navy's lighting bill for the ship.
That means that for every $1 million the Navy was spending on lighting, they're now only going to have to spend $130,000.
Imagine if a $25,000 car you want all the sudden cost only $3,250. Or a $300,000 home you want to buy will now only cost you $39,000...
You'd jump on those savings in a heartbeat.
And that's exactly what the U.S Navy's now doing with these lighting retrofits.
This is game-changing stuff, my friend. And it's going to save the military an absolute fortune... Especially when you consider the number of ships in the U.S. Naval fleet...
From destroyers to aircraft carriers, we're talking about nearly 300 deployable battle-force ships that are now in line for energy-saving retrofits.
Even submarines will be retrofitted with these new LED lights.
In fact this company already landed contracts for the retrofit of a Virginia Class attack submarine.
That's on top of the multi-million-dollar contract they already got for the retrofit of the Arleigh Burke destroyer and continued research and testing.
Across the entire fleet (287 battle force ships to be exact) — and with each retrofit costing $1.45 million on average — you're looking at a potential value of $416.2 million in lighting retrofit contracts this company is about to receive from the Navy.
And that's figuring conservatively, not including new additions to the Navy's fleet.
According to the Congressional Budget Office, the target size of the Navy's battle-force fleet for 2025 is 324 vessels:
And rest assured, at this point, the next round of contracts is practically a lock. Because while there are plenty of other LED companies out there, this is the only one that's been able to meet the strict requirements of the U.S. Navy — thanks to its breakthrough in LED lighting customization.
You see, what most folks don't realize is that these ships go through some pretty rigorous beatings while on deployment.
During a typical aircraft carrier deployment, every single conventional light bulb on a carrier will blow out and have to be replaced. That's right — every single one. We're talking about a total of 18,000 individual bulbs. All having to be stored, installed, and replaced on every single deployment.
The logistics alone are incredibly complicated and costly.
But these LEDs are rock-solid.
They can operate in various temperatures ranging from 40 below to almost boiling; the seals on the lights can survive three decades of constant sea spray exposure; and, in accordance with mandatory Navy standards, can withstand multiple drops of a 400 pound hammer from a height of 5 feet.
So basically, you have a lighting fixture that's 87% more efficient, can handle the beating of any Navy deployment, and is actually cheaper to operate!
These things are so impressive, even NASA has ponied up millions to use this company's LEDs...
These features are the reason that the Navy is using the company's technology for all $416 million worth of their lighting needs...
Need some frame of reference for what an influx of government money does to a company's bottom line?
Here are just a few examples...
In 2006, Raytheon was awarded a $38 million government contract to build GPS devices, helping propel the company from $40 to $53 per share — a 32% gain.
In 2008, ICF International was awarded its first-ever government contract, valued at $19 million. In the worst stock market year in over 6 decades, ICF International went from $15 dollars in July to over $24 — a 60% increase — while the economy took a 40% nosedive overall.
In late 2008, Cubic Corporation boosted its stock price from $21 to $41 (or 95%) in the 9 months that followed government contracts totaling just over $155 million.
Also in 2008, ViaSat went from $15.75 all the way to a $31.17 in 11 months — a 197% increase on the back of a $192 million government contract.
As you can see, government contracts are one of the most foolproof methods of expanding a company — especially in an uncertain economy.
They represent guaranteed earnings and profits, enabling companies to funnel capital into research and development, marketing, and infrastructure...
But none of the examples above provide anywhere near an accurate picture of what you stand to make from my new LED recommendation...
I'm talking about potentially scoring more than 18 times your money.
Unheard-of profits from government contracts
You see, the companies in the charts above are all large and established, so the full impact of government contracts usually isn't reflected in their share price.
Take Raytheon, for example, which has a market cap over $20 billion... Even with a market cap that big, a $38 million government contract was still able to send the stock soaring.
The company I'm telling you about has a market cap of only $24 million, so the $416 million in Navy contracts it's about to receive means much more to it — and to your bottom line.
Spread that sum equally between the company's 23 million shares, and you're easily looking at fair value of more than $18.00 per share.
As these contracts are issued and fulfilled, the company's stock will easily rise to that very price. Those investors who get in now — while it still trades around $1.16 — stand to make 1,452% on their initial investment.
And that's without factoring in the all the museum and retail store retrofit deals, like Wal-Mart, Albertson’s, Whole Foods, and others...
In just a moment, I'm going to provide you with a link to all the juicy details on this under-the-radar top stocks for 2011. But first, let me introduce myself...
Profits from a proven track record... in your hands
My name is Jeff Siegel and I'm the publisher of Green Chip Stocks Premium — the first independent investment research service focused exclusively on alternative energy markets.
Now, I've been in the financial research business for more than 16 years.
I've watched the economy boom and bust. I've seen the world embrace the dot-com craze, only to watch it come crashing down. I've seen the real estate market explode, and then implode. I've seen collapses and recoveries...
And through it all, regardless of the state of the economy, I've been leveraging profits by being the first to pick up on market trends...
Especially when it comes to the energy industry — which I've come to know like the back of my hand.
It's why I've been invited to speak at so many industry and investment conferences across the globe.
It's the reason I've been featured time and time again on CNBC, Fox, and Bloomberg. And it's also the reason I've been able to help so many of my readers make absolute fortunes in alternative energy and other early market trends.
And I’ve got stacks more of success stories just like these.
They're a direct result of one of the best stock to buy recommendation track records in the industry... And that's something I boast with much pride.
In fact, last year was one of our best years ever:
- The 20 recommendations I made in 2009 averaged a gain of 52.7%;
- Of those 20, 6 were double-digit winners;
- And 5 were triple-digit winners!
- My top three top stocks for the past year scored 200%, 221% and 321% gains;
- All with hold times of less than 12 months.
Just to put things into perspective, here are 2009's top 5 performing hedge funds, along with their total assets and returns:
But that's not even the whole story...
Just to get your money onboard with one of these high-profile investment managers, you’d typically need to put up more than $1 million in capital.
And once the gains come — assuming and hoping, of course, they do — fund managers rake in between 20% and 50% "performance fees."
So while your money earns modest gains at best, hedge fund managers become billionaires faster than any other segment of the population.
That's just not my philosophy...
I'd rather you keep your gains, instead of redistributing your wealth to a bunch of hedge fund managers.
And I want to help you do this by offering you a free copy of my brand-new report: Lucrative Lighting: Profiting From The LED Revolution.
This report contains all the juicy details on our favorite government-backed microcap that could make you at least 14 to 18 times your money — if you load up on it today.
Remember, this is a $1.16 company on its way to $416 billion worth of military contracts alone. Their contracts with Wal-Mart, Whole Foods and all those other retailers are just icing on the cake...
Plus, when you get your free copy of Lucrative Lighting: Profiting From The LED Revolution, you'll also get complete access to
- Green Chip Stocks Premium Portfolio – Which includes the status of all of our Green Chip Stocks Premium recommendations. The top stocks in this portfolio are long-term investments; they have earned investors returns that shame some of the best-known and most respected hedge funds in existence.
- Limited Coverage Portfolio - Includes a list of top stocks that we cover for near-term opportunities, and has included some of our most dramatic gainers yet. For short, quick gains, this is the ride to take.
- Green Chip Fund Index - Covers three specific "green" funds that offer long-term investment opportunities while providing income via distribution payments. For the more conservative investor, this is the stress-free way to earn double-digit profits and benefit from regular dividend payments to supplement your regular income.
- Monthly Spotlight Stock - Once a month, we highlight a new "green" stock and offer in-depth coverage on that stock. These rare discoveries allow you to be among the first to learn about emerging opportunities in this market, and jump on them before mainstream media outlets know what happened.
You'll also get instant access to our entire research library — an invaluable investment tool that doesn't just educate, but advises how and when to react to sudden developments in the market.
This package includes these three additional Special Reports, FREE:
- Energy, Uninterrupted - Storing energy safely and efficiently is just as important as producing it in the first place. It's one of the fastest developing tech industries today, and I've got details on some of the strongest and most promising operations out there today.
- Wind-Powered Profits - It's the fastest-growing renewable energy source there is, with wind companies consuming oil and coal market share every day. I've made it a point to focus a great deal of my attention on this sector, so you can get the latest information on which companies are making the biggest difference — and the biggest profits — before anyone else.
- The Electric Car Revolution Starts Now - Whether you're talking about hybrids or plug-ins, the facts are undeniable: Electric cars are here to stay. Which means that now's the time to find the specialized companies that won't just profit from this new and voracious market, but multiply in size as a result of it. With this report in hand, you'll need to look no further. We've got the inside scoop on the newest vehicles to hit the market and the companies behind them.
That's seven extra bonuses above and beyond Lucrative Lighting: Profiting From The LED Revolution, my new dossier on the LED stock that could hand you a fast 1,452% profit or more on a flood of government funding and private-sector investment...
And right now, you can get complete access to this wealth of information at absolutely no risk.
All I ask in return is that you test-drive Green Chip Stocks Premium to see if you like it.
If you decide to keep it, the annual cost of this service is just $99.
That includes:
- Membership to Green Chip Stocks Premium
- Our marquis report, Lucrative Lighting: Profiting From The LED Revolution, detailing the federally-subsidized tech play that's emerging as one of the hottest renewable energy stocks to come out of North America in the last several years
- Access to our entire library of research reports, including the 3 mentioned above
- Weekly updates and recommendations on the latest developments in the market
- Instant alerts telling you when to buy and when to sell
And if you decide that our research, investment style, and winning picks are not for you, just call me at any time within 6 months of your purchase, and I'll refund your money right then and there.
That's a 100% refund — no questions asked, no surcharges, no restocking fees, and no small print...
Guaranteed for half a year.
You have absolutely nothing to risk here — and everything to gain.
Like an 18-times-your-money win on a single LED company with guaranteed military contracts.
It doesn't get better than that.
But I must warn you: If you're looking to score a profit of that magnitude, you don't have much time to wait around...
You see, on October 31, this company will be presenting at a very influential alternative energy conference in San Diego. But it won't be just a bunch of tech geeks and engineers gathering around hotel room conference tables...
Attending this event will actually be some pretty heavy hitters in the investment world.
We're talking about big money here... Market movers!
So it's no surprise that over the past few days, the buzz surrounding this conference — and its presenters — has started to pick up steam.
Truth is, by as early as next week, we could see every trend-chaser on Wall Street accumulating shares of this little LED goldmine.
And that's why it's so important that you stake your claim now — before this thing gets launched into the stratosphere.
Because that, my friend, is how you get rich in this market.
Don't keep your profits waiting on this one.
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